Glenn Hancock, the Managing Director of Hancock Stone, has been involved in the Stonemasonry business since the age of 16, and with over 30 years experience has become an expert in the following fields:

  • Cleaning of natural stone, granite, slate and marble, also cast stone, terracotta, brick and concrete
  • Supply and fixing natural ashlar, moulded and carved stonework and architectural cast stone
  • The rebuilding restoration and conservation of decayed, unstable, fractured and dangerous stonework
  • Rubble stone walling
  • Paint removal
  • Graffiti removal
  • Schedules of repair, specifications and budget costings

Our operation covers:

The West of England, South Wales, South & West Midlands, the M4 corridor, London. Our clientele includes city and county councils, universities, contractors, churches, the public & private sector.

Our masons are skilled, experienced and versatile. We believe in maintaining a close and co-operative liaison with our clients.

Glenn Hancock has personally worked on the following notable and listed buildings, gaining a wealth of experience:

We specialise in working with natural Bath stone, Portland stone, Forest of Dean stone, York stone, Granite, Marble, Terracotta, Brick and Reconstituted stone.